

Ayurveda is an ancient science of healthy living. It is a powerful, natural way to nurture total wellbeing. Rooted in India, and dating back well over three thousand years, Ayurvedic medicine co-evolved with the science of Yoga. It is a holistic system of natural medicine that seeks to help each individual develop deeper physical and psychological vitality through supportive rejuvenating practices. Ayurvedic practices can also be used as effective compliments to modern western medicine.

Ayurveda uses diagnostic procedures such as pulse and tongue examination, observations of mental and physical characteristics, as well as assessing long term patterns and habits to diagnose each person’s unique constitutional make-up. According to Ayurveda, no two people share the same constitution, thus what may be healthy for one person, may not be for another.

What will an Ayurvedic Consultation help with?

An Ayurvedic consult will help you determine your unique constitutional blueprint.

Treatments may include; dietary changes, herbal medicines, physical exercise, sleep adjustments, pranayama (special breathing exercises), yoga asana, specific massage/body therapies, behavioral changes, attitude adjustments, specific meditation techniques, effective detoxification procedures, and rejuvenation practices.

Ayurvedic treatment is uniquely comprehensive, and aims to gently improve all aspects of an individual’s life, so that each person may live well and symptom free.

Balancing Three Important Aspects of Life

Ayurveda places great emphasis on:

  • Proper digestion

  • Restful sleep

  • Effective management of our physical & creative energy

These three aspects of life must be in balance to experience total wellness. Each person will receive recommendations to build Ojas (strength and immunity), to prevent and or remove ama (toxins that cause poor health caused by improper foods, or impaired digestion/or elimination), and, to increase the flow of prana (vital life energy) in the body and mind. Lifestyle and food regimes are given to each person according to their dosha.

Ayurvedic treatments aim to balance the three doshas, which are the subtle governing principles of the body and mind.

  1. Vata: representing space/air

  2. Pitta: representing fire

  3. Kapha: representing water/earth

These three aspects determine one’s physical and mental state. An Ayurvedic consultation can help each person discover the right foods, herbal medicines, and lifestyle adjustments for their own unique doshic make up.

Ayurvedic treatment can help with most conditions caused by imbalance. Learning how to balance your dosha, and how to keep it balanced, can significantly improve and empower your life. At first glance Ayurveda may seem complex, but once practiced it becomes very simple. As these practices become familiar, we develop more energy, greater health, deeper comfort, and alignment of mind, body and spirit.

Ayurvedic Services

The Center for Ayurvedic and Yogic Healing, offers many Ayurveda services. Our goal is to educate and support people in adopting an Ayurvedic lifestyle and meditation practice, so that peace and radiant health may be experienced.

Ayurvedic Doctor, Vedic Astrologer, and Teacher in Kriya Yoga Tradition

Ryan Strong offers Ayurvedic consultations for anyone wanting to learn about their current health and state of their dosha. Ryan offers ongoing support and follow up visits for each patient. Ryan also offers Pancha Karma (internal cleansing), and seasonal cleanses throughout the year. It is important to note that although Ayurveda is simple, it may take time and guidance to incorporate it into your life. Lifestyle changes do not happen overnight, and appropriate follow up support may be necessary.

Associated Practitioners

Chelynn Tetreault

NAMA certified Ayurvedic Doctor, Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist, Board Certified Licensed Massage Therapist.

Dr. Tetreault Specializes in female  health, reproductive health, fertility, pre-natal, post natal care, infant, child care and Pancha Karma. Chelynn’s practice, Lotus Ayurveda and Ayurvedic retreat/ Pancha Karma Center is in Williamsburg MA. Chelynn began her private practice in 2005. She supports clients to maintain vitality and optimal health so that they can heal themselves from a variety of imbalances. Chelynn teaches locally, and internationally. Dr. Tetreault’s has an unique ability to blend both practical and authentic traditional approaches to female health and spirituality. She offers Vedic Astrology, Ayurvedic and Spiritual counseling, as well as classes and seminars, online or in person.  www.chelynnt.com