Kriya Yoga

Kriya, Action; Yoga to Join or Unite

Kriya Yoga is a traditional spiritual path. It is an ancient system of enlightenment, non-suffering and self- empowerment. Kriya Yoga is the cultivation of external and internal disciplines. Through the regular practice of Kriya Yoga one experiences greater physical relaxation and emotional peace.

The goal of Kriya Yoga is to experience clarity and superconscious states of awareness, culminating in the awakening, or realizing, of the true essence of being. Kriya Yoga is a non-denominational spiritual practice open to anyone wishing to experience greater peace, clarity, and wholeness.

Kriya Yoga Services

Ryan Phillip Strong offers Kriya Yoga instruction and initiation; meditation classes, spiritual services, counseling, private retreats, and discipleship training to those sincerely interested.

The Center for Ayurvedic and Yogic Healing provides written materials by Mr. Roy Eugene Davis, on Kriya Yoga, meditation practices, Ayurveda, and supportive living practices. All services are donation basis. For information  send an email here.

“Each person is responsible for his or her inner life -which is the creation of one’s thoughts, desires, feelings and ideas.”
—Lahiri Mahasaya

Kriya Yoga Lineage